Terry Jabali Terry Jabali

Reclaim Your Edge

Reclaim Your Edge

April 30, 2024|AI powered enterprise, enterprise performance, project portfolio management

=  Companies spend billions of dollars each year on various initiatives in the form of portfolios and projects. Nearly 50% fail to deliver on the promised ROI and the sought value returns. The enterprise’s ability to sanction project’s Points of Failures across resources, finances, timelines, among other variables determine the success magnitude of any project in the portfolio.

Simply, the  A, B, Cs of project management is not only knowing the traditional metrics for project success but also sanctioning the underlying drivers.  These include the points of failures (PoF) across resources, processes, and data by sanctioning them into an orchestrated high performance results.

Projects Portfolio Management (PPM) is our MVP-1; it is a conversational and decision LLM framework that puts you in the driver seat by identifying the Point of Failures across projects while driving the KPI of Resources, Cost and Timeline...! 

Lead with stellar portfolio performance with trusted insights 

Welcome to AI Portfolio Management -PPM 


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